How Important is an SSL Certificate for my Website

SSL Certificate

If you own a website which demands personal details from its users, then read on because an SSL certificate is almost certainly crucial for you. Whether you have an e-commerce site selling products or a blog which requires login details, the chances are you will need this incredibly useful tool.

There are two overwhelmingly important reasons why you should probably be purchasing an SSL certificate. Firstly, it guarantees that sensitive information such as credit card details or addresses and dates of birth can be communicated from server to browser safely and securely. By matching a private key and a public key, an SSL certificate encrypts this type of private information and data. Once you create this safe gateway for information, you will benefit from the second important reason for using an SSL certificate – It engenders trust in users and customers who will develop much more confidence in your website. A website with an SSL certificate is easy to spot, as they all boast a padlock icon and the https address (rather than just http) in the URL. It is a simple and sure way to enhance your site’s reputation. As such, an SSL certificate should be viewed as an important investment.

So, with plenty of choices around, how can you find the SSL certificate you need? It is possible to create your own Open SSL certificate, but if you are hoping to build trust in your site then you must purchase a signed SSL certificate from a recognized and reputable certification authority (CA). Most browsers have a built-in list of trusted CAs. If you use one of these, you will develop a meaningful level of trust among potential users. Get insights into the importance of website security and SSL certificates in SEO at

If you own an e-commerce site, then the importance of an SSL certificate cannot be overstated. In fact, it is your responsibility to make sure that you have one. It would be a disaster for you and the customer if personal details were stolen while using your website. If you store credit card information in a database through your website, then an SSL certificate is vital for encrypting these details and keeping them away from prying eyes. If you use a third-party payment system such as PayPal, then the situation isn’t quite as clear cut. It depends on how you have laid out your site. So long as no credit card details are displayed when the address bar shows your URL, then you might not need an SSL certificate. However, to remove any doubt and to maintain the trust of users, secure your enterprise with an SSL certificate.

Even if you aren’t selling products online and your website only requires a login, an SSL certificate is still extremely important. Without it, hackers may well be able to enter your site unauthorized by acquiring a user’s login details. More worryingly, those same hackers are likely to use the details and passwords they have uncovered and attempt to use them in order to log in to other accounts. After all, how many people do you know who use a common password for multiple purposes, such as their bank account? If you want to know more about SSL then visit before creating a website.

Finally, some hosting providers do include a shared SSL certificate which can be used instead of purchasing your own. From a security perspective, this might work OK, but if its trust you’re looking for then purchasing an individual SSL certificate yourself is a must. Learn more about the importance of data protection and encryption on the internet, on this website: